WIN Ukraine and WINS met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to Japan

On May 25, 2022, representatives of WIN Ukraine and WINS met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to Japan Serhiy Korsunsky in Tokyo.

As part of the participation of WIN Ukraine and WINS in the Annual WIN Global Conference, held on May 23-26, 2022 in Tokyo, representatives of the Ukrainian national office of the world non-profit organization Women in Nuclear Global and the World Institute for Nuclear Safety (WINS) met with the Ambassador
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine in Japan Serhiy Korsunsky. The meeting took place in the Embassy, ​​which could be identified not only with the flag and national symbols of Ukraine, but also with yellow and blue Japanese decoration and gifts brought to the Embassy in support of Ukraine and its citizens at this extremely difficult time for our country.

The meeting was attended by WIN Ukraine President Margaryta Rayets, WIN Ukraine Vice President Anastasiia Nechytailo and WINS Academy Director Roland Fletcher.

Mr. Ambassador met our representatives with warm Ukrainian hospitality and sincerity of conversation on urgent issues of our country.

Representatives of WIN Ukraine spoke about the WIN Global Conference, in particular on the coverage and dissemination of information in the international arena on events in Ukraine, namely in the nuclear field. Roland Fletcher noted that WINS fully supports Ukraine, as evidenced by the rebranding of the organization’s colors and their change to yellow and blue. The Head of WINS Academy presented to the Ambassador the annual report of the World Institute for Nuclear Safety in Ukrainian national colors and indicating the full support of WIN Ukraine and the safe operation of the organization at the Institute in Vienna.

During the meeting, the situation in Ukraine during the Russian war against our country was discussed, in particular the situation regarding the seizure of nuclear facilities and the state of the Exclusion Zone after the occupation. Mr. Ambassador Serhiy Korsunsky noted that the people of Japan support Ukraine and Ukrainian citizens who were forced to leave for Japan due to the war. Mr. Ambassador also noted the talks with his Japanese counterparts on extending support for the Exclusion Zone under Japanese-Ukrainian relations, including the SATREPS project, as well as the restoration and supply of new equipment lost as a result of the EZ occupation.

WIN Ukraine and WINS thank Mr. Serhiy Korsunsky for the meeting and the significant contribution of the Embassy’s work in support of Ukraine at such a difficult time for our country!

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