Ukrainian chapter of the global network “Women in the Nuclear” is established

         Ukraine has recently established a branch of the WiN (Women in Nuclear) Global, which brings together women professionals working in various fields of nuclear energy and radiation safety.

         Founded in 1992, WiN Global is an international non-profit network that supports and encourages women working in the global nuclear field.

         Today, WiN Global has about 25,000 members, including members of national affiliates and individuals from 105 countries, regions and international organizations. Many countries around the world have their own WiN chapters. Recently, Ukraine also established its representative office – Women in Nuclear Ukraine (WiN Ukraine).

         The branch is headed by Margaryta Rayets (President) and Anastasiia Nechytailo (Vice President). Both hold the positions of heads of structural subdivisions of enterprises under the State Agency of Ukraine for Exclusion Zone Management.

        “WiN Global holds an annual conference and awards the Win Award to outstanding women specialists in nuclear technology. In addition, a quarterly membership newsletter is issued and public communication and mentoring programs are organized for young people. The Ukrainian representative office of WiN Ukraine will carry out its activities in accordance with the goals and objectives of WiN Global, with a strong emphasis on gender issues “- comments the President and founder of the organization Margaryta Rayets.

       WiN Global’s mission is to raise awareness and provide positive information, especially about women and the younger generation, about nuclear energy and its applications, as well as nuclear science and technology.

       According to Anastasiia Nechytailo, Vice President of the organization, the Ukrainian chapter also aims to become regional, and a leading expert with many years of experience in the nuclear field, Natalia Klos, who currently works at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, will head this direction.

     “We will attract to our team real professionals who prefer being dedicated to their job, including young and ambitious professionals who want to make their own contribution to the industry. We have a lot of grand plans and difficult tasks ahead of us! Undoubtedly, one of the main principles of our work will be to maintain a gender balance. By supporting professional women and young professionals, we will also involve men in the work of our organization,” adds Anastasia Nechitaylo.

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