President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi spoke about the meeting with the head of the IAEA, Rafael Mariano Grossi, who arrived in Kyiv on October 6. The main topic of the negotiations was the situation at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant captured by russian terrorists.
“Of course, any decisions of the current head of the russian federation regarding the Zaporizhzhia NPP and any attempts by russia to transfer the station into its ownership are worthless. This is a nuclear power plant. This is not some palace, Yukos or something else that the russian leadership has already managed to steal,” Volodymyr Zelenskyi said in a daily video address. He also added: “Now there are about 500 occupiers at the NPP. And this is nothing but 500 risks of disaster. The world understands this. I thank everyone who is fighting for the return of full Ukrainian control over the NPP and its complete demilitarization for their support.”
The President of Ukraine reported on the importance of hearing assurances from Mr. Grossi that the international community will contact only Ukraine regarding the ZNPP, because it is Ukrainian property. Was, is and will be.
Mr. Zelenskyy emphasized another aspect of this topic in particular – electricity. If the Zaporizhzhia NPP does not work, the Ukrainian state gets a situation where there is no surplus of electricity in the country, which Ukraine can, in particular, export to EU countries.