We invite you to participate in the All-Ukrainian informational and educational forum “STEM and Fem”

Attention! We invite you to participate in the All-Ukrainian informational and educational forum “STEM and Fem”, which will be held by the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs on October 20, 2023.Registration link: https://forms.gle/pg1vm57wLofWXi516
WiN Ukraine announces an open call within the framework of the exhibition “Empowering Radiance: views of nuclear women on war through the prism of art”

The NGO “WiN Ukraine” in partnership with the Ukrainian Nuclear Society announces an open call within the framework of the exhibition “Empowering Radiance: views of nuclear women on war through the prism of art”, which aims to shed light on the multifaceted nature of female professionals nuclear industry of Ukraine, the importance of nuclear energy […]
Cyber Security & Emerging Technology – Threats and Opportunities for Nuclear Security

On May 11, 2022, a series of virtual webinars for experts in the field of cyber security and emerging technologies will be held online under the auspices of King’s College London. This expert webinar series will explore how cyber security and emerging technologies present threats and opportunities for nuclear security. Leading experts in the field […]
Sustaining Nuclear Security a Decommissioning Sites Workshop – 5-8 July 2022

As part of the UK’s Nuclear Security Culture Programme (NSCP), King’s College London will be hosting a workshop addressing ‘Nuclear Security through Decommissioning’. This workshop will set the scene of nuclear decommissioning through a lens of International Atomic Energy Agency guidance, the fundamentals of nuclear security and an executive view of decommissioning in the UK […]
International online Forum “Atomic Energy: a stimulus for sustainable development”

On Thursday, November 25, Women in Nuclear Ukraine will hold an international online Forum “Atomic Energy: a stimulus for sustainable development”, which focuses on the role of women in research and development, nuclear and radiation safety and security, as well as other important components. Leading Ukrainian and international experts, high-ranking officials, heads of international organizations […]
The II National “WiN Award 2021” Ceremony takes place on November 26

On November 26, at 12:00 in the online format WiN Ukraine hosts the II National “WiN Award2021” Ceremony. To join, click a link https://youtu.be/TVScYYbtaNE We remind you, that according to the results of voting, that lasted from November 10 to 17inclusive, the winners were determined in the following nominations:– Science, education and development– Positive leadership– […]
NUCLEATHON WiN for WiNners 2021

On November 24-25, 2021, will be the first national competition among students of the country’s leading universities – Nucleathon “WiN for WiNners!” The word NUCLEATHON is a combination of the words “NUCLEAR” and “HACKATHON”. As in the classical sense of the word “hackathon” Nucleathon is a kind of an organized event, during which specialists (in […]
WiN Award 2021: the Award Ceremony for Women Professionals in Nuclear Energy

This fall, at the end of November, WiN Ukraine will hold the II National WiN Award-2021 for women who have made a significant contribution to the development of Ukraine’s nuclear industry and have made significant achievements in various fields: education, science, public administration, industry, media and the public sector. Letters-requests for submission of candidates for […]
28th Annual WiN Global Conference will be held in Canada

This year, the 28th Annual WiN Global Conference, that runs from October 17 to 21, is honored to be chaired by the Representation of Canada. 28th Annual WiN Global Conference, that focuses on “Positively Charged for Success”, brings together nuclear experts, government and industry from more than 30 countries. The online event will present information […]
WiN Ukraine will chair the Annual WiN Global Conference in 2026

Every year, under the auspices of the global network of women professionals in the field of nuclear energy, Women in Nuclear Global holds an Annual Conference, which brings together professionals in the field of nuclear energy from around the world. The event is dedicated to the role of women and gender parity in various areas […]