On April, 6th, WINS held a live session which brought together early career and experienced nuclear security professionals, including representatives from human resource management, as well as from the education and training sectors of the nuclear industry.

The event was opened by Executive Director Lars van Dassen.
The online roundtable discussed the following topics related to the next generation of nuclear security professionals in the nuclear sector:
– Understanding advanced nuclear technologies and systems: A comprehensive overview to shape the future of nuclear energy and its nuclear security implications;
– Transforming the landscape in the nuclear sector: Challenges and opportunities for a career in nuclear security;
– Attracting young professionals to the nuclear security field while bridging the gap between education and employment;
– Education and training: Preparing the next generation of young professionals to be leaders in nuclear security;
– Guiding young professionals when entering the field of nuclear security: Recruitment, retention, and transfer of knowledge through mentoring and leadership – best practices and lessons learned;
– Gender parity and diversity: Overcoming barriers to the full participation of young female professionals and an effective diverse workforce.

The World Institute for Nuclear Security (WINS) is an available resource to young professionals who are interested in a career in nuclear security, and WINS can provide them with guidance on how to understand the nuclear sector, how to respond to the challenges present in the nuclear sector, and how to embark on a career path to sustain nuclear security, globally.
In the course of group discussion, Margaryta Rayets (WiN Ukraine President) highlighted the ongoing military actions provided by russia against Ukraine and its direct impact on the young generation in nuclear security and the probable serious consequences in the aftermath for the whole nuclear sector.
On behalf of WINS, Alvaro Acevedo (Programme Manager), Anida Celikovic (Membership Manager and Project Support), Tomas Bieda (Project Manager), Viviana Espinosa Moreno (WINS Gender Programme Intern), Leyla Amur (Editor/Writer Consultant) altogether made this event happen (https://www.wins.org/event/7842/online-roundtable-on-facilitating-the-engagement-of-young-professionals-in-nuclear-security-for-the-nuclear-sector).
Based on the various presentations and discussions, WINS will produce a roundtable report that will serve as guidance for the next generation of nuclear security professionals within the nuclear sector.