
WiN Ukraine Triumphs in the Advocacy Category at the VIII All-Ukrainian GR Awards 2023

On October 12, 2023, the Ukrainian Association of Professionals in the field of Government Relations (GR) and Lobbyists celebrated the outstanding achievements of GR specialists and projects. This year’s focus was on the new challenges arising from the conflict with Russia and the opportunities they’ve created for the GR community. To reflect this, new categories were introduced, emphasizing the importance of closer cooperation with international organizations in the modern world.

The event was opened by the Chairperson of the Ukrainian Association of GR Professionals and Lobbyists, Kateryna Odarchenko, and was attended by members of the Ukrainian parliament, GR specialists, business representatives, industry associations, and the public sector.

Among the eleven categories, Women in Nuclear Ukraine (WiN Ukraine) emerged victorious in the “Advocacy for Ukraine on the Global Stage” category. Their case, “WiN Ukraine and International Cultural Diplomacy in the Context of Protecting Ukraine’s Nuclear Safety,” secured this prestigious award.

WiN Ukraine expressed their dedication to continuing their efforts to bring Ukraine closer to victory and to ensure the world recognizes the true face of their adversary.

This honor is dedicated to all women working in nuclear safety, particularly those at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant. WiN Ukraine extends their gratitude to all partners and their entire team for their daily efforts in this important mission.

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